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An English Salon by the Labour Union Group of the Center for Astro-geodynamics Research

  As a part of serial activities by the labour union group of the Center for Astro-geodynamics Research, an English salon, titled “How to write and publish your papers in the top scientific journals” was held at SHAO on January 29th. Jin Shuanggen, Associate Editor of SCI IEEE TGRS, ASR and JN, Editorial Board Member of SCI, JG,PSS and GPS Solutions,our specially invited guest, joined in the salon and made practical instructions in writing and publishing papers.

   We started from the topic of “What is Research”, talking about aspects such as “Basic Elements for Basic Research”, “What Is a First-Class Paper/Research” and “Why and how to write a good paper”. Professor Jin also provided examples in his own research group, Satellite Navigation and Remote Sensing Group, to better explain how to do good research and how to write good papers. We followed him in such a field with great interest, talking to each other cheerfully.

   English salons,aiming at promoting our English listening and speaking ability, not only provide a good opportunity to practise oral English but also further mutual understanding. Welcome to our salons!


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